Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last night went fishing again after having a rest for almost a month. Not very nice tide but luckily still able to land a 1.7kg grouper. Considered very lucky as the tide was not really moving at all.

Me & my catch


Erwin Hardy said...

Hello there. I'm quite a newbie when it comes to Sandakan fishing spots. Could you suggest some nice fishing spots where i could catch some groupers and red snappers? I've tried the long coastline along the Navy stretch which is famously called ''Tembok''. But sadly the catch there was very bad even after more or less 6 hours. Not to mention the line being stuck and jammed at the rocks. Reply me soon if possible. Really hope to get some info from a Sandakan ''kaki'' ! Alright, peace..

matakail said...

mai jd follower

Amanda said...
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Ania said...

Salam kenal!
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